Monthly Archives: October 2014

The Battle of Cooks Mills – 200th Anniversary

Nancy, your pictures are fabulous. I am so glad your friend encouraged you to make the trip to Cook’s Mills. 905 941-0706


I had never been to an 1812 reenactment before.  My friend, Michael, takes part and invited me to come and see what this epic event was all about.  Since it was in my back yard (Cooks Mills is part of Welland) how could I pass up the opportunity?

As I set out on a very grey, chilly Saturday morning I wasn’t sure what I was going to find.  But, I must say, the City of Welland did an amazing job of promoting and organizing the marking of this historic anniversary.   Free parking was available at 2 off-site locations with wagons acting as shuttles to bring us to the battle site.  A lovely way to start the adventure.

Upon arriving we were greeted with smiling folks who explained what we were about to experience and handed out maps of the encampment.  A few steps up a small hill and there…

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200th Anniversary Re-enactment Info




Re-enactment Oct 18-19, 2014

1812 Re-enactment